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Web Analytics is one of the measurement systems of our communication effectiveness, and more generally of the web services currently on the market. Everything is GDPR-compliant, as it was developed and made in Europe, home of the world's most advanced privacy legislation.

The system is the result of the development of modern technology that we make available in the market today, and it enables surveys without having to change services as was the case with Google Analytics in the past. Web Analytics automatically injects the new Oplon JavaScripts in the web pages in a manner parallel to the use of services without any slowing down of the surfing, it collects the information necessary to compose a representation of the user experience and it simultaneously removes Google Analytics’ old scripts. Cost reduction and flexibility make Web Analytics now unique on the market. Web Analytics technology can capture the user experience and return it within the corporate perimeter, which becomes the sole collector of data, as required by GDPR regulations. Web Analytics can also intercept browser events on next-generation systems for «single-page-applications», execution of downloads, areas contiguous to the mouse position, up to and including determining individual operator scrolls and highlighting areas of the html page of interest. All this is done without any intervention on applications, because the Oplon Secure Access system allows HTML pages to be modified on the fly.

The solution is available in the following versions:

NOTA: Web Analytics requires Traffic Analytics licenses



We can answer any questions you may have, provide product demos, and find the perfect solution for you.
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